And waiting still...

Today was the day they promised that Kalyse would introduce herself to the world. She did not. Her mom has been on the pitocin all day with no progress. Well God knows best and all we can do is trust that she will arrive in His time. They feel she is strong and may stand a fighting chance.

We stayed busy all day doing things on our check list. No sense waiting by the phone. Both pools are winter ready save folding up the liner for the small pool. Both my daughter and I feel we can handle that this week. As we put the cover on the big pool the wind kicked up and gave us "what for". Thankfully the two older grand children and both of my daughters were there to help us. 

We also had cake for the grandson's 14th birthday today baked by his sister. She loves to mess gramma's kitchen up LOL. 

Just in case you do not recognize them it is Whopper jr. and a Whopper! By the time she was done creating she had every counter top covered! She had a great time and so did the girls helping her. The pictures do not do justice to her work. They both really resembled hamburgers. I was able to steal fifteen minutes of a nap while she finished. Boy I needed it too.

I know the kids waiting for this baby were worn out today also. It has been just over the top with demands. Gary goes tomorrow for the first hip replacement so some of what we did today was absolutely necessary. In fact we did not do anything unnecessary at all. Okay maybe I could have skipped Walmart but we needed milk for the morning so it was best to do it today.
When the sun arose this morning I wasn't sure how much we would get done but it turned out we did get a whole lot done!

Tomorrow will be all business getting the kids to sitters and him to the hospital. The dogs will be very stressed by the time I return home tomorrow evening. My friends had offered to come and take of the kids and the dogs by proxy but I thought this first day we would go with our original plan.

We did not get the invisible fence laid out so that will be something I tackle on my own... maybe. Then again my daughter will come Wednesday to help fold the pool liner perhaps she and I can do it then. After he clears the OR I will try to come and let the dogs out and clean the yard a bit.

It has been a long, long day and I am going to turn in early. As I type the it reminds me of the old saying "the early bird gets the worm". However, the second mouse gets the cheese!


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