Babies in glasses and Burnt bread!

Well yesterday miss Lily got her glasses! She was so scared as the tech put them on and of course cried! But once they were on she darted out of the office and into the eye center and just looked at everything. She even ran to the fish tank to look at the fish! I have tried the last three visits to the eye doctor to get her to look in that tank but it took a pair of $300.00 glasses to get it done! Yes I said $300.00. Vision doesn't come cheap for little ones and our insurance doesn't cover the actual glasses. But to see her take in all the new things she can see... it is totally worth it. Keeping them on her little head has been challenging at best! It has been a week since Lily got the new specs and probably she has worn them 4 out of seven days. She has RSV and has been running at the nose like a sieve. Poor baby is miserable! Actually her little partner has it too.... sad little babies.(not sure why they continue to smile?! ...