
Showing posts from 2024

morning calm

As I sit at the table and look across to the counter in the middle of the room some call an Island, i bask in the silence that is now. Soon the island will be cluttered with items needed to make lunches and chaos will fill the silence as the house gets moving and kids get ready for school. There's only a few minutes until everyone else starts getting up. Today is hippotherapy for the youngest. The wind is howling right now so they may cancel it if it's too cold for the old horses they don't go out. It's too cold for this old horse! For 3 days we've been able to go outside without coats or sweaters or jackets. Yesterday the storm clouds brewed like they were going to dump an ocean in the yard I ran outside and grabbed seven batts of insulation and took them to the basement to save them from the rain. By the time I got them organized down there and came back up the sky was as blue as could be and not a cloud could be seen. I cannot help but feel that had I

blah blah blah

 Sometimes when you think you have it all under control you realize you were wrong. Today the replacement bed for SIL was delivered. Any other day the whole household would have been up and about. Not today though, it is like they knew the delivery would be very early. Luckily the guys that dropped it off had it assembled and ready to go. They brought it through the front door and set it on its side in the living room. Of course, when DH got up, he insisted that I let him move it around and move the other bed out of her room all the good stuff. He also decided that he had to go somewhere.  The beds have been moved and all is where it should be, sort of. DH is still out somewhere. I bought her a new mattress and when I was calculating the height for her, I decided a 6-inch mattress might be best. Now that I have taken it out of the package it has to expand for 3 days. It may end up being too short or uncomfortable. I placed it on my bedframe to give it time to expand and left my mattres

8 days a week...

This is truly what some weeks feel like. Yet the amount of time to get things done seems more like 4 days available. Quiet time for thinking eludes me this week as does paperwork productivity. By that I mean address changes, tax paperwork gathering, and generally trying to stay afloat with all bills. On top of all this my washer got lazy on me.  the new washer works well maybe I shouldn't have just shoved it out the door Then again, maybe I should shove more things out the door that don't work... just saying. Soon the man will come and pick up the washer and maybe the other washer that is on the scrap pallet. On a lighter note, change of address forms are filled out and the search for a new home continues. My plans to attend a memorial for my great aunt are still evolving. I had thought to go for the weekend and allow SIL to return to the care center for about three days. However, they have another outbreak of covid running through the place and they called to say they would be

Hello 2024

 Why is it that we think of resolutions at the start of a new year? Really, we can resolve to change anything at any point in the year. Perhaps it is the thought of just starting over with a brand-new planner or calendar or even just the hype that society lends to it. This year started with bringing my SIL back into the family home. It has been eventful to say the least. The kids are adjusting and so am I. DH doesn't interact that much with her, so it doesn't seem to affect him either way. Meal planning is a bit more challenging as she is much like the youngest kiddo in the realm of pickiness. We will manage. As far as moving goes, DH has decided he does not want to move. I still do but I want the right house to come along. Strike the first sentence, because almost as soon as he got out the statement that he did not want to move he requested that we go look at an unremarkable house in Byars Oklahoma. I have been studying this house for a few hours now. Not constantly, but off a