So close!
It has been a while since I have ventured to the blog. So many things have happened in that time span. Th.e littles have almost finished a school year. The puppies are all in their new homes and cute as can be! We are in our new temporary home and as much as I regretted picking this one, it is cozy and warm as the snow falls. There is still cleaning to do at the last rental but all the major stuff is either gone or at least disassembled and ready to go. It is strange to say this but I'm going to miss the Haystack house. I haven't lived there for very long but my daughter has for five years. My granddaughter learned to walk in that house, we have had almost all of number 10's birthdays in that house. It was the most centrally located to everyone unlike the yellow house on the plains. I went this morning to dust the cobwebs that lurk in all the vaulted ceilings, like it or not, as I knocked them down I thought of this place. The ceilings here are even higher in some place...