Very Busy Summer!

School letting out in May was a welcome relief from the mundane routine we had fallen into. Of course it came with babysitting full time and that was not in my summer plans. Sometimes you just roll with the times and see what happens. So let's get to what happened! After school let out on Thursday, May 27th I left for California to return my sister to her task of taking care of "Aunt Millie". My daughter and I jokingly told her wear a depend and bring snacks we will be there in less than 24 hours. We were. But we did stop many, many times for bathroom breaks and stretching. We listened to this record that my Uncle Jack recorded while away with the Army Air Corp to Aunt Millie. This is the Walmart that we went to get a record player at to listen to the record. That many miles just to go to Walmart... crazy. Aunt Millie enjoying banana bread in her own home. All the construction has begun and she is taking it in stride. The return trip was much more adventurous. Also, a ...