It has been a minute..

So much has happened in the last six months and so much more in the last six days... at some point I really need to get off of the merry go round that I have been spinning on. In the past I would have said "where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?" Although I am tempted to say it right now, I won't. Only because I am beginning to realize where it is that I am going. I would try to update this blog, but it would take way too long to even begin. It has been cold enough to turn on the heat at night since returning from Montana. I have not started the heat in the chicken house yet and I hope to not have to until February at the earliest. I truly would like to pack up my family, all of them, and move. I do not know where to is the problem. I have a strong urge to move where my parents are and try to take care of them. But it is cold there and I don't like cold. Would I do it if they needed me? Yes, I would. They say they do not need me. It might be true; my siste...