Happy Mother's day! And other procrastinated things!

I got up today got ready for work just like any other day that I am running late...forgot that it was mother's day. Did not remember to send any cards.. even though I bought them weeks ago. Here it is almost nine o'clock at night and I didn't even text any of my sisters to wish them well today. I can't remember much these days....in my last post titled cell phones, chickens and hot cocoa I never mentioned chickens or hot cocoa lol. Probably could not remember what I was going to say about them at the time. But just to recap a bit the chickens have been fenced in on top now, they have a large yard and a fairly large henhouse. We have lost quite a few hens in the past to owls and other mishaps That was mother's day and it is now June 1st, as I began to blog this morning I realized that so much has happened since I took time to write that one post may not be enough to cover it all. But that said here goes... They have finally opened a spot for another nurse in my de...