Happy Mother's day! And other procrastinated things!

I got up today got ready for work just like any other day that I am running late...forgot that it was mother's day. Did not remember to send any cards.. even though I bought them weeks ago. Here it is almost nine o'clock at night and I didn't even text any of my sisters to wish them well today. I can't remember much these days....in my last post titled cell phones, chickens and hot cocoa I never mentioned chickens or hot cocoa lol. Probably could not remember what I was going to say about them at the time.  But just to recap a bit the chickens have been fenced in on top now, they have a large yard and a fairly large henhouse. We have lost quite a few hens in the past to owls and other mishaps

That was mother's day and it is now June 1st, as I began to blog this morning I realized that so much has happened since I took time to write that one post may not be enough to cover it all. But that said here goes... They have finally opened a spot for another nurse in my department.  So I have been training a brand new LPN.  She was one of our CNA's before so she knows most of the residents already.  Plus she has been working in our SNF unit so that gives her more experience to use her nursing skills. She is going to need them!

We also have been training two brand new Qmaps for the off hours. My hours to work have changed quite a bit just to cover the shortages. I have attended one funeral, had two more residents pass, caught up on paperwork related to taxes and moved my computer one more time lol... I can't seem to find my "spot".

Also work to empty the future laundry room continues and items for donation vs garage sale are being separated into two areas. Both of which are in the way! Good thing no one ever visits us!

Well that was short!  I am tired at night lately most nights too tired to blog.  The kittens are getting big enough to find new homes and they are so stinkin' cute that it is hard to let go. My grand dog has come to live with us.. she was a stray that my daughter brought home and her husband has lost all patience with. So now her life is even more boring, relegated to the backyard with only two kids to play with and 32 chickens to bark at..

I am going to try and keep track of how much I spend on groceries this month, and on general junk that is most likely not needed.  So this will be as best to my memory since it is already the second of the month.

June 1, 2016
Dollar Tree: 14.76  The list included several cans of play doh, a package of sight word cards, and unfortunately I can't remember the rest.... that is really sad.
McDonald's : 10.82 lunch items for all four of us.

Got a phone call from work about someone's medication so I dropped the three littles at my daughter's house and went to solve that issue. Spent an hour at the MD office waiting for a script

McDonald's: 1.08 lg drink

Safeway:  12.43 a box of 15 croissants (great for homemade breakfast sandwiches), 4ct package of chocolate muffins, a 4ct bag of pretzel buns (both of these items were on the discount rack), 2 gallons of milk in the hopes that I could avoid the stores today.

$200.00 through paypal for assistance to one kid's bills..

June2, 2016
Online: 15.00 to support a website that hosts my high school bulletin board.. probably a waste but time will tell

General store: 2.00 for a can of dr. pepper and a bag of m&m's for the three littles

Home: 140.00 to my DH for car parts for my car.

I was headed to town with the littles with plans for a stop at target, the dollar tree, Family dollar and whatever else happened to cross my mind... but then DD that is 6 popped DD that is 3 in the nose and DGD that is 2 was already crying in the third row seat because she was all alone. So I turned the car around and headed back home.. probably a $100.00 saved in just doing that.

So far today I have not finished any housework, nor laundry but I have fed three kids twice .. that can be considered an accomplishment in itself. insert a smilely face.            
 As I look at those drinks and food from mcDonalds they seem so cheap at the time but that was two stops in the same day imagine that times thirty just for drinks!! An easy $60+. So I put some water on to make ice tea :) I really like Iced tea and homemade lemonade.. heck I like koolaid!!! So why do I spend so much on sodas?  Because I carry money with me and no list. Plus I fail to keep a cooler in the car with drinks in it. 

Now that I have identified the problem perhaps I will get it fixed. So there is some blue sky out there...somewhere
 These photos are from our trip to Michigan and the Huckleberry Railroad
 The Kansas skyline on our way
 Another shot of the railroad town
I hope if you travel this summer you too will share pictures on your blog so the rest of us can dream! Even if like mine they have nothing to do with the current post!!!


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