Play doh.....why?
Play doh... Surely it was invented by a carpet company! My 2 year old Grand daughter loves play-doh! She is conscious enough to keep it on the table and not make a huge mess... at home that is. Gramma's house is a different story because my littles take their play-doh everywhere and it is a mess! Don't get me wrong I have tried to enforce the keep it on the table or else rule but when you work full time and the person in charge when you are gone doesn't enforce the same... well it just goes awry anyway! They love the stuff it keeps them busy for at least 30 minutes, it improves their dexterity and sticks to the carpet in a bad way :) We are homeschooling right now and most days we get something done but not everyday is a full education day. They are preschool and kindergarten right now, my daughter wants us to put them back in public school so that she can send her daughter to preschool with our youngest... I don't want to put mine back into the system. However, I a...