Life in the fast lane... or passing on the right :( Or funeral, wedding,funeral...

When I went to work yesterday I was only going to visit, not work. On my way there I received a phone call that one of my favorite residents had passed during the wee hours of the morning. Yes nurses have favorites and yes like parents they have to try not to show it... This was one exceptional man. The love and kindness he showed to all was only surpassed by his deep understanding of humankind and his love for his wife and family. His apartment was decorated with pictures of family, artwork he had done and one very special charcoal sketch of him giving his wife a "last kiss". His love for her was reflected in everything he did. She passed away some years back but the love he held in his heart for her never faded even one iota. Some days were harder for him than others, but he plugged along, never complaining to staff of anything and thanking everyone without fail for whatever they did for him. His daughter spent her days near him and the reality of losing him is as har...