Ground Hog Day, crock pot lasagna. crock pot Honey mustard Chicken... leftovers Yum!!!

It's Groundhog Day!!!! I can hardly believe January is over... and so is my crockpot cooking month. My goal was 50% or more of my meals, dinner meals that is, in the crockpot. I am not sure that I accomplished that but I did get close.  So for February my goal is no fast food meals.. at all.

Our meals for January were a mix of old favorites and a few new recipes.  One new recipe I tried was for a roast chicken. It was beautiful looking but so dry, like swallowing sawdust! So that was a never make again flop! It got eaten but it took days and I fell for a "pay the shipping only" deal for a crock pot recipe book and to me that was a waste of money.. the first recipe in it that I considered trying was for some oatmeal and it called for 1 and 1/2 cups of butter or something like that so I wrote the author an e-mail for clarification, turns out it should have read 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of butter. Kind of took the interest out of the rest of the recipes... although I think that is where the roast chicken came from but no worries it's not worth passing on.

Another meal was crock pot lasagna, that was so good I made it twice. Once in the 4 quart crock and the second time in the 7 quart pot... it was that good!  The original recipe idea was in Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy... one of my favorite resources.  I did vary it a bit and I cheated by pre cooking the ground beef.. all in all it was a hit!

So much to my disappointment I heard the ground hog saw his shadow? Any way there will be six more weeks of winter :(  For us here in the plains of the Rockies that could mean break out the swimsuits or the snowsuits or both for the same day! The first day of February was a chilly one!

February started off with crock pot meals too, not intentionally but it just worked out that way when avoiding fast food! crock lasagna was first

 Terrible picture I broke my brand new phone 6 days after getting it! The screen just shattered on the first drop.  That was our delicious crock pot lasagna the most recent one. It was big enough for left overs 3 times this first week of February.
Another cracked picture! This was our next crock pot meal for February.. Honey Mustard chicken with mixed cheesy veggies and fresh homemade bread! It was good :) I wish I had taken pictures of the prep but it was so fast... open freezer, grab the bag, dump in crock pot.. set on low and leave for work.... that fast!

Well by now you have figured out it is no longer ground hog day and it is time for the little ones to read and go to bed... me too! Thanks for stopping by to read!


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