
Ever have a plan? One that goes exactly the way it should? Me either. Some days you get up and know just what to do and others it is noon before your first cup of coffee is even finished. Or brewed for that matter. Well for best laid plans it is 2240 and I am up waiting for the dryer to finish so that a pair of pants will be dry for number 10 to wear to school tomorrow. Oh and did I mention that she just went to bed 45 minutes ago? This is not the way to start the new year... homeschooling would be easier I am sure with these late hours. Lucky me I have to be at work at "O" dark thirty so I won't be available to ensure that "10" gets into the correct pants unless I hang them right where they can get them. There are advantages to working at the crazy place. Like tomorrow I am due for jury duty, but I will be passing pills instead. No one else available to do it so it falls on the "manager". Should I wear the "tail-less" bunny suit or ...