Puppies!...Babies!....and then they grow up and leave home....

The puppies are getting so big! their eyes are open and mom can't even come in the same room with them unless she wants to feed them. They see her and try to tackle her for food! I realize in these pictures they are still quite small but these are their almost two week pics! This little guy looks soo sweet! And then you realize he peed on your table! Mom is serving lunch and Dad is watching.... Time flies! They grow so fast! Just like a blanket full of puppies! This weekend is going to be a very busy one for the kids. They have to go to work with me and the puppies have to deal with being cooped up in the house with their parents. I keep saying I'm going to cut back on my hours at work, I'm going to do something else, I'm going to quit when I'm debt free.... but I get up each morning and still go to work. When will I learn? The search for the right place to live goes on. We have been packing up the rest of...