Moving day followed by cleaning day followed by holy cow! I thought you did it?
This past weekend and most of this week is moving/cleaning/sorting day for us. After canceling our offer on a very nice property it has been busy, busy only to discover the agent didn't decline the property and then sent a message requesting earnest money be paid by 1630 yesterday. That left me with four plus hours of scrambling to find the documents that supported us not taking the property. Those of course were packed in a box... but which box? No! I did not label the boxes...there aren't that many. But there are many locations for those boxes! Some at each daughter's home and some at the scene of the disaster in sheds that weren't burned, some at my work.
It seemed the shortest route to get what I needed was to call the DWR at the DNR (Department of Water Resources and the Department of Natural Resources). As excited as I was to soon live in west Kansas I wouldn't be able to irrigate the land with what water access it would come with the property. All said and done with the three littles in tow I think I sent enough info to cancel the deal. If not, I may be living there until I can find another buyer. Certainly haven't heard anything yet today.
The littles are at school and I need to leave for work but I'm dragging my feet. Part of me wants to stay home and plant more seeds. I know the reality is that I need to finish packing and get things in order. Tomorrow is the last day to clean the backyard up and throw down some grass seed. Today is the "get all the laundry done" day. We won't officially leave this house until mid-April I don't think, but things need to be put at the travel trailer and both of the daughter's homes so that no matter where we are at bedtime we have what we need for the next day.
By the end of the school year I hope to be staying on the property in the trailer... like it's a vacation! Of course it will be a time to practice patience, and not go crazy! It seems it is the best place to be if I want my garden and my fruit trees taken care of. Plus the kids can play in the yard, their swing set and fort are still there and so is one trampoline. Actually the pool is still there too... a little melted on one
side but still standing!
Hard to believe with all that heat! Well I must get to work and things are falling in the lower living room and I am alone here... so I'm outa here!

By the end of the school year I hope to be staying on the property in the trailer... like it's a vacation! Of course it will be a time to practice patience, and not go crazy! It seems it is the best place to be if I want my garden and my fruit trees taken care of. Plus the kids can play in the yard, their swing set and fort are still there and so is one trampoline. Actually the pool is still there too... a little melted on one
side but still standing!
Hard to believe with all that heat! Well I must get to work and things are falling in the lower living room and I am alone here... so I'm outa here!
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