Puppies!...Babies!....and then they grow up and leave home....

The puppies are getting so big! their eyes are open and mom can't even come in the same room with them unless she wants to feed them. They see her and try to tackle her for food!

I realize in these pictures they are still quite small but these are their almost two week pics!

This little guy looks soo sweet!

And then you realize he peed on your table!

Mom is serving lunch and Dad is watching....

Time flies!

They grow so fast!

Just like a blanket full of puppies!

This weekend is going to be a very busy one for the kids. They have to go to work with me and the puppies have to deal with being cooped up in the house with their parents.

I keep saying I'm going to cut back on my hours at work, I'm going to do something else, I'm going to quit when I'm debt free.... but I get up each morning and still go to work. When will I learn?

The search for the right place to live goes on. We have been packing up the rest of the rental house this past two weeks. During that fun adventure we have found things my DD forgot she had. One of those is this thing called the "Big Boss". It is similar to my old "NuWave" oven. She said she had trouble trying to use it and not burn anything or everything! So of course with the gauntlet thrown down I had no choice but to try my hand at the appliance. I certainly have missed my NuWave when it comes to making bacon... so bacon it is! In an attempt to see if it is faster than the oven I put some into each appliance. Here are the progress pictures:

The light is very bright as we get started

Bacon is sizzling!

The oven bacon in the traditional sheet pan is definitely cooking slower

Clearly the Big Boss was faster.. in fact I took the bacon out of the oven and finished it in the Big Boss.

The only thing that did make me a bit nervous was remembering that when DD tried to make French fries in this when she first received it, the fries did go up in flames. So I did not leave this device unattended during the trial. My NuWave was different, I did leave it alone to cook the bacon. But that was after trial and error. I did have to figure out the correct amount of time to cook things.

As I get ready for myself and the three littles to go to work this morning I realize I cannot find my phone. Having looked everywhere I am at a loss as to where it could be. So off we go!
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