
Showing posts from March, 2014

Why is work so hard?

Well much to my dismay and then again my excitement I attempted to return to work this past week.  Of course the first day about an hour before time for me to leave my wonderful 3 year old, almost four, decided to dump vegetable oil on the kitchen floor! She and the 21 month old were gleefully sliding around, sitting in it, rubbing it in their hair and otherwise really having a great time! Thankfully DH was home from his adventures and we scooped them up and tossed them in the tub I watched the tub while he wiped up the mess.  Much to my surprise the floor looks better than it has in years! DH was also quite pleased with the result!  And too bad I didn't think to take any pictures! I guess I was too busy thinking I could not be late on this first day back to work. I arrived at work a wee bit earlier than I even planned for (they really should mark the calendar, cuz' that rarely happens!) Once there I felt okay I was relieved when they said I would have m...

Homemade yummy!!!

So tooling around the web this weekend I found inspiration to make homemade Hamburger buns!  It seemed easy enough and the last time I had attempted something like this had been at least 14 years ago... I made homemade egg bread rolls.  They were delish but took a lot of time to get done and at that time not only was I on active duty in the army I had a side job delivering newspapers... so basically no time for any extras. The original recipe was from another site but I found it on Blissful and Domestic blog please forgive me I broke down and purchased a new tower and it came with windows 8.... so far I am not much of a fan but maybe with time... I want to give her proper credit so I will probably have to back out of here and make more than one post to get you to the right recipe.  It seemed very easy although I did enlist dear husband to man the two littles while I stuck the ingredients in the bread machine.  that was pretty easy! And I honestly called up to dear ...

change of life!

At first I thought this blog would be about menopause.... but that is not the biggest change of life in our house.  Three years ago my husband and I added a six month old infant to our routine.  That changed everything!!! Truth be told in 2004 when we added two preteens to our family the real change started. Our life was already a blended family and chaos seemed to be the order of the day. This "draft" got lost and now we are thinking of adding more chaos to the routine... hopefully three more blessings but if not three at least two.  I am praying for guidance...  I close in prayer for the right path for my feet to follow.

Computers, frustration, computers and more frustration!!

Well in my last post... back when dinosaurs roamed the plains... I had promised to get a bag of donations together roughly every three days to help clear out the clutter.  I also said I would keep everyone posted and be held accountable.  Then again I did not count on computer crashing in multiple to happen.  Yes in multiple!  It all started when I loaned my recently restored laptop to my son.  Of course then the tower which had been working just fine decided to start "freezing" Then my kindle decided it was not going to charge any more (I think that was self defense, the 3 year old has been obsessed with watching "super Why" on Netflix) so I went to the netbook as a next resort.  It too has started acting absolutely crazy.  We already bypass the mouse and built in key board to get it to work but now it also has problems that are not solved with those techniques. Now this house has probably 10 computers in total most don't work and those that do be...