Computers, frustration, computers and more frustration!!

Well in my last post... back when dinosaurs roamed the plains... I had promised to get a bag of donations together roughly every three days to help clear out the clutter.  I also said I would keep everyone posted and be held accountable.  Then again I did not count on computer crashing in multiple to happen.  Yes in multiple!  It all started when I loaned my recently restored laptop to my son.  Of course then the tower which had been working just fine decided to start "freezing"

Then my kindle decided it was not going to charge any more (I think that was self defense, the 3 year old has been obsessed with watching "super Why" on Netflix) so I went to the netbook as a next resort.  It too has started acting absolutely crazy.  We already bypass the mouse and built in key board to get it to work but now it also has problems that are not solved with those techniques.

Now this house has probably 10 computers in total most don't work and those that do belong to kids who are usually using them.  My daughter did allow me to borrow hers to look for another computer so I bid on a couple of android tablets and to my dismay won them.  But they are not here yet and my time off of work is coming to a close. So I purchased a "tower" thinking that at least I have the peripherals already and that would save a few bucks!  And I had purchased another copy of MS Office so now this all made more sense.  I had already found that you had to have windows 7 or 8 in order to use this copy.  All of my working items had either vista or xp on them.

Any way I digress so home I went with my new tower and a bit of excitement that I would be up and running that very night!  Well not quite that night, but it was up and running.  Windows 8 is a whole new animal for me!  It basically is a whole bunch of "apps" and I am still trying to figure out how it works. Luckily I have a smart daughter (and she has a windows phone!).

So I have kept my word at taking things out of the house and off to charity or trash. Now you can hardly tell that I have moved things out but that just goes to show how much stuff I have that I don't need. If I were really brave I would take pictures of each room before I started and post them... I am not that brave!

I have not sewn a thing in weeks! That makes me feel very incomplete... it is amazing how having a craft or something that helps you relax can also make you tense when you can't do it.  I have been able to sort clothes and find that we have way more than needed there too.  I have read and read more articles on how to decide what to keep and what to toss... I think I did it to just stay busy and to get rid of some of the magazines that were stored in the laundry room.

Doing this clutter busting for spring has made me realize that I save things because somebody may need them... I also realized I will never know that somebody so it needs to go so that somebody can find it.  That would be the charity stuff and the trash stuff well there is plenty of that too.  I think we passed our allotted portion of trash for 2 weeks straight!  We can put out 8 black trash bags each week, most weeks we may have 3 bags.. I think we had 12 the first week and 10 the next.  I haven't put any time into my cleaning project this past week at least not any "over and above" time that is.

Our littlest one went to the eye doctor yesterday and she needs glasses... we went into the store for those and she was amazed!  Now this kid loves glasses especially when they are on someone else's face!  she had fun trying them on and again I should have taken pictures :(  I will take pictures when we go for the fitting so I have something to post!  But she tried on frames with abandon so cute to see her try to look in the mirror each time!

This baby has serious "white coat" syndrome!  Had she known at the beginning of the appointment that she would get to try on glasses she probably would have tolerated the appointment much better!

Speaking of babies my husband and I learned that three little ones are going to be placed for adoption... they are grandchildren of someone we know.  They as grandparents cannot have them for whatever reason and are not going to try for them.  We also learned that the current foster mom of the two girls really wants the baby (she has had her since about 6 months old) but the 9 year old and the 5 year old (who is in a different home) are not on her wish list.  We are praying earnestly that if it be God's will we could have the older two kids.

You may think we are nuts!  We probably are but we have known of these kids for years now and truly think they at their ages should be with a community of people they know.  We would love to have all 3 but the baby has really only known the foster family and what is done must be to the childrens' best interest.  With that being posted for all to see I will close and again keep you posted on all that happens with this.


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