Why is work so hard?

Well much to my dismay and then again my excitement I attempted to return to work this past week.  Of course the first day about an hour before time for me to leave my wonderful 3 year old, almost four, decided to dump vegetable oil on the kitchen floor! She and the 21 month old were gleefully sliding around, sitting in it, rubbing it in their hair and otherwise really having a great time!
Thankfully DH was home from his adventures and we scooped them up and tossed them in the tub I watched the tub while he wiped up the mess.  Much to my surprise the floor looks better than it has in years! DH was also quite pleased with the result!  And too bad I didn't think to take any pictures! I guess I was too busy thinking I could not be late on this first day back to work.

I arrived at work a wee bit earlier than I even planned for (they really should mark the calendar, cuz' that rarely happens!) Once there I felt okay I was relieved when they said I would have my old schedule that meant I would work Thursday and be off Friday.  I thought I could handle going back at a moderated pace.  I arrived early because walking with this boot is slower than I am used to.  I stopped in the schedulers office and was informed of a "change" in my schedule to include my "day off".  She was right thinking I would want the money I wasn't expecting the change but I didn't argue to get my day off back either.  After all how bad could five days in a row be?

Well with two little ones being sick and me going back to work and the youngest grandbaby also getting in on the act of being sick my third day out of five was very long! Once I was off for the night I met DH at the ER down at EACH.  He had taken the two little ones to be tested for RSV and also the oldest had an O2 saturation of 77% and a temp of 103.0. She had been running a temp almost all of spring break. We already had two trips to the pediatrician logged and things were not improving.  So when my daughter took the baby to the doctor and she was positive for RSV I had an AH HA moment thinking that we had our culprit!  But alas the little one was the only one with RSV and the older one was given a maybe "Kawasaki syndrome" as a diagnosis.  So Sunday was day four and I stayed home having some how picked up a bug myself and today it wreaked havoc and again I stayed home... not so good for my paycheck.

And to end today the package that I have been expecting for quite sometime finally arrived and not all items work....bummer.

On a lighter note I have been continuing to remove items to take to charity....


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