Homemade yummy!!!

So tooling around the web this weekend I found inspiration to make homemade Hamburger buns!  It seemed easy enough and the last time I had attempted something like this had been at least 14 years ago... I made homemade egg bread rolls.  They were delish but took a lot of time to get done and at that time not only was I on active duty in the army I had a side job delivering newspapers... so basically no time for any extras.

The original recipe was from another site but I found it on Blissful and Domestic blog please forgive me I broke down and purchased a new tower and it came with windows 8.... so far I am not much of a fan but maybe with time... I want to give her proper credit so I will probably have to back out of here and make more than one post to get you to the right recipe.  It seemed very easy although I did enlist dear husband to man the two littles while I stuck the ingredients in the bread machine.  that was pretty easy! And I honestly called up to dear husband to send the littles back down while the machine did the work! So now for the pictures of the cut dough before cooking and after.

Okay so above and below are in the before baking and yes a few of them are..well mangled but there was dough left over after cutting and I did not want to waste it so they are a little off.
 then 9 to 11 minutes later!!!!

 Here they are!! Yummy warm and good!!!

 So when she said put them far apart on the baking sheet she probably meant further than I did!

All in all they were very good, super simple and the bread machine did most of the work! Unlike when I made buns years ago.  So tonight we are going to have them again as hamburger buns and I will cut some small ones for the little kids to have mini burgers.
Most everyone in the house is feeling under the weather and the constant change is not helping! While the two littlest are asleep and hubby heads to the gym at the local base I think I will start another batch of buns for our dinner.
Here is the link to Blissful and Domestic's blog  http://www.blissfulanddomesticrecipes.com/
She can tell you where the original recipe came from Her site is easy reading and full of useful information, maybe someday mine will be too!  Bye for now gotta grab time while I can!


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