Cell phones, chickens and hot cocoa

Last night I was frantically looking for my cell phone. I called it several times still nothing. So I just decided not to worry about it I can't really justify worrying about it. After all I really hate the monthly phone bill.  But my family would fall off the face of the earth if they couldn't reach me 24/7...not to mention my work.
Even so I may try to go without a cell phone next month. If it's my connection to the world..then why does it feel like an electronic leash?

For the same reasons that just because I am paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me! My daughter came by on Thursday and met the eight kittens and then together we searched for a Afghan that I had made in the Patten of the American flag but that I had not sewn stars onto yet. We didn't find it but we did start sorting through a shed and found old pictures of her and her siblings and of her children in their toddler years... plus many things we had both forgotten about and plenty that should have just been discarded a long time ago lol!

 Let me take this moment to remind you that in a previous post I had mentioned I was a box short of being a hoarder...well I found the box!


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