It has been another "where am I going and why am I in this handbasket" kind of week

Another 14+ hour day and in the end I still wasn't done with all that needed to be done. On the other hand when I got home my incubator had arrived!! So I've read the instructions twice, they really should spring for a proofreader before printing these instructions. They seem easy enough to follow even when written in broken English however, it is way too late to go out to the henhouse and steal eggs. And tomorrow is scheduled to be a very early day so maybe after work might be a good time... we shall see.  The best laid plans of mice and men have often found me still at work way past the bewitching hour.

DH found time today to use the workbooks the girls have so some progress was made even if it was minimal. At times when it is my turn I get the same result. I am so tired I am pretty sure I am going to crash soon and hope for a better morning tomorrow.  I need to be there early enough to get something done before it all goes into the handbasket again. And my phone is not helping, I need lessons on how to make it do what a phone is supposed to do.. RING!!

The end of the week has arrived after more than six 12 hour or more days.  So guess what?! There is NO barley... I know I said I would have barley but not so much ... Maybe this week will fair better in the time off department. Heck if I don't get an 85% or better on the audit I might get lots of time off!

So another week begins and we will be saying good bye to a family that has been with us two years. It is always hard to let them go and this one was particularly hard as she needed to do it her way.  Her daughter will drive here to be with us. It is funny some need to be with the passing loved one through the whole dying process and others like myself are much more content to see them while they are alive and cherish those moments.

We all suffer through it no matter which route we take. The guilt is there either way, the loss, the pain and the joy that comes in morning... we all share just different ways. I brought home some work that must be done so this entry will be brief and to the point....



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