
Thanksgiving is over and it is Black Friday. The first of five kids arrived at 0540. He is wide awake this time and wants my iPad. He has his own iPad but always wants mine. I am selfish. I have 3 kindles for the young ones to play with but he does not prefer those... I really think I am just jealous that at barely 5 years old he can work the iPad like he designed it.

He has no patience for other kids playing on the iPad. Especially near him. I'll be glad when the sun is up and they can go outside on the sleds. The next kid is late. She should have been here 9 minutes ago. Why am I looking a gift horse in the mouth?! Because actually the old saying the more the merrier is true for about 2 hours. That gives me enough time to get breakfast on the table for all of them and partially clean up too.

Babysitting is how I will spend my Black Friday this year. It is still "working", just not paid work. Today there is a lot of laundry to get ready for the next week. In December if they have school for 15 days I will be amazed. Don't get me wrong any time they get to go is a good thing for peace and quiet! Well after they actually leave that is. Getting ready sometimes can make it not seem worth the effort. But for this year they will remain in regular school with extra worksheets and easy peasy all-in-one homeschool as back up.

I made serious progress on moving furniture around in this little house for the holidays! Today I will throw in washing down the wall where my "artsy-craftsy" desk was located. (name given by a dear friend) 
It's actually just very unorganized and messy! But no more! Any way that is the proposed place for the Christmas tree. Or perhaps the general's couch and put the tree where the couch is now. As my daughter was decorating her house for the holidays it dawned on me that the girls' will need new stockings this year. I better get the sewing machine set up and quit procrastinating. It will be time before I know what happened!


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