
Showing posts from February, 2020

Can you say Excitement?

Last night was our first night on our own in the little house in town. The girls and I have never stayed overnight alone here. DH has always been home eventually. But this night was different by plan. He had a sleep study scheduled. So we wished him well and went about having a girls' night in. We played a quiz game on the tablet and learned lots of stuff, some important, some not so much. For instance did you know where Justin Beiber is from? How about the capitol on Hungary? We survived and the next day brought more excitement than we really needed. After the study was over DH got a call from a doctor, a doctor in California. He revealed that during the study there were unusual heart patterns that were indicative of an imminent heart attack. Not what you want to hear at the end of your sleep study. So that was the start of my day. Get the kiddos to school and wait... Yes I did say wait. DH insisted I didn't need to be at the hospital with him. Of course not! There are dishe...

Late... as usual

Now this post is to supplement the "One Month Old Today" post. No today isn't her birthdate. Yes the post is late. But out of respect for the family (yep that's my excuse since I didn't get it done on time) it was not posted on her day. In fact I only got one picture that day! What is this world coming to that Gramma doesn't get a ton of pictures?! Oh wait... Gramma also didn't stay up all night with a colicky baby either... Aren't babies great!?!?!? Grand babies are so fun! You can visit or not and not have to stay up all night!!! That said today is cleaning day... It was going to be "take some boxes out east" day but there is a snow squall forcasted. So it is stay and clean day. The sky is blue and the sun is bright... but there is that forcast. There is also a ton of things to do here today and time is short when it comes to free babysitting. In fact, they expect you to pick them up by 1450. The nerve. I am blessing them with my kiddos...

I month old today!

This post is just to celebrate the first month!  How much fun are babies!?!?!?!?!?

Store bought vs Home made Bread

Good Morning! Yesterday when I went for groceries I was tempted by many convenience foods. Bread was a big one. It seems so easy to just pick up a loaf for under $2.50 and be done with it. Or go to the bread store where I might find it for maybe a dollar.  But there is something to be said about the process of making bread yourself. It isn't all that hard to do and for me it takes about as long to make as it would to drive to a store and buy it. I will add that it is faster with the new dehydrator that I bought. No longer do I have to hope the sun will be out long enough to put my dough in the car window. Yes, I used my dashboard as a proofer even in the winter. It worked very well if the sun was out. Back to the process. It is relaxing and gives me time to think about the people I am making it for. The texture as it comes together gives me a feeling of satisfaction. Satisfaction that I have in fact completed something that is going to be appreciated. Who doesn't like fresh...

Baby Day part 2

This post is definitely delayed as things went just a bit south by the end of Baby Day. Luckily the doctor came in to check on things a second time, and that is what sent mommy and me to the operating room to get baby out. Daddy was in no emotional condition to make choices so I went. We had discussed this scenario as a potential the first time there were "late decels" on the monitor. Which were not mentioned by the nurse when she came in to check things. Prior to all this the events were very "different" than a normal delivery... Having noticed the changes on the monitor I did ask "how long do you let her labor with no progress?". To which the nurse replied "we let them go up to 24 hours". I was caught off guard by that response mainly because she had already had 3, documented by the monitor, "late decels" lasting up to one minute. "Late decels" occur when there is a drop in the baby's heart rate. Any drop lasting longer...