Can you say Excitement?

Last night was our first night on our own in the little house in town. The girls and I have never stayed overnight alone here. DH has always been home eventually. But this night was different by plan. He had a sleep study scheduled. So we wished him well and went about having a girls' night in. We played a quiz game on the tablet and learned lots of stuff, some important, some not so much. For instance did you know where Justin Beiber is from? How about the capitol on Hungary? We survived and the next day brought more excitement than we really needed. After the study was over DH got a call from a doctor, a doctor in California. He revealed that during the study there were unusual heart patterns that were indicative of an imminent heart attack. Not what you want to hear at the end of your sleep study. So that was the start of my day. Get the kiddos to school and wait... Yes I did say wait. DH insisted I didn't need to be at the hospital with him. Of course not! There are dishe...