Can you say Excitement?

Last night was our first night on our own in the little house in town. The girls and I have never stayed overnight alone here. DH has always been home eventually. But this night was different by plan. He had a sleep study scheduled. So we wished him well and went about having a girls' night in. We played a quiz game on the tablet and learned lots of stuff, some important, some not so much. For instance did you know where Justin Beiber is from? How about the capitol on Hungary? We survived and the next day brought more excitement than we really needed.

After the study was over DH got a call from a doctor, a doctor in California. He revealed that during the study there were unusual heart patterns that were indicative of an imminent heart attack. Not what you want to hear at the end of your sleep study. So that was the start of my day. Get the kiddos to school and wait... Yes I did say wait. DH insisted I didn't need to be at the hospital with him. Of course not! There are dishes to do, clothes to hem and blankets to crochet... Who can do any of that when you are not sure of what is going on?! And why is it a doctor from, and in California telling you about heart trouble you are having in Colorado?!?!

Why isn't it doctor here telling you that? Perhaps I should just thankful it was from a foreign country with an accent that couldn't be understood. I was thankful, please don't misunderstand, it is just you kind of expect the doctor that is just around the corner to make that kind of call. Call me "old fashioned" but it is just what I would expect anyway.

But all is well and back to normal, well as normal as my life ever gets. So on to yesterday and today's projects. Planting seeds. Our growing season out east is crazy weird. It might last a long time and then again it might not. So this year I have decided to start a lot of my seeds indoors and hope for the best. Yesterday I planted tomato, 3 kinds of squash not counting pumpkin, that makes 4 kinds and sugar baby watermelon seeds. That filled up 72 little plants pods in a Jiffy "greenhouse".

I quit using the Jiffy greenhouse starter packs a few years back but thought it might be a viable solution for this year. Time will tell. I also bought a flower planter, rectangle shape and planted lettuce and spinach. Oh! A year ago I was gifted several "Back to the Roots" cans. So I thought I better get those growing.  Those items were started today. 

Mostly it is now just relief that has caused me to get motivated, yesterday it was frustration at not knowing what was going on and knowing I had things that I had to attend to as opposed to sitting and waiting with DH. Plus, that would be my preference too, if the shoe were on the other foot.

So with seeds started and time short I really am motivated to have a good garden this year. I purchased more tomato seeds today as the pack that I planted only had 12 seeds in it. I will try to get those started tomorrow. The sweet potatoes need a cold frame soon so they can be in the ground as long as possible. Maybe we can get that going this next week or so.

DH made these steps to get inside the new house and they work pretty good! He also put some at the front door these are on the west side of the house. If he can do that he can get a cold frame started!

With the last baby blanket finished I have started on a blanket for the 15 year old granddaughter. Getting one craft done a month is still going ok. Here is the final on the baby blanket

And below is the beginning of the blanket for the 15 year-old

 Well it is time to call it a night!


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