Store bought vs Home made Bread

Good Morning! Yesterday when I went for groceries I was tempted by many convenience foods. Bread was a big one. It seems so easy to just pick up a loaf for under $2.50 and be done with it. Or go to the bread store where I might find it for maybe a dollar. 

But there is something to be said about the process of making bread yourself. It isn't all that hard to do and for me it takes about as long to make as it would to drive to a store and buy it. I will add that it is faster with the new dehydrator that I bought. No longer do I have to hope the sun will be out long enough to put my dough in the car window. Yes, I used my dashboard as a proofer even in the winter. It worked very well if the sun was out.

Back to the process. It is relaxing and gives me time to think about the people I am making it for. The texture as it comes together gives me a feeling of satisfaction. Satisfaction that I have in fact completed something that is going to be appreciated. Who doesn't like fresh baked bread?!

You do not need a fancy bread maker or even a mixer for that matter. A good sized bowl, a wooden spoon, measuring spoons and cups are certainly enough. All of the items needed can be purchased at a dollar store. Now that said, any of those other items would certainly be a convenience and perhaps make the process "faster" but they will also create more items to clean at the end.

In the past I have owned the bread making machine and I do have a heavy duty mixer currently. They did "lighten" the work, especially the bread machine. I did not like the bread baked in it, but for mixing and rising the dough in a controlled environment, it was great. If you want one and don't have a lot of money to spend check out your local thrift stores. I paid $2 for one machine and it worked great! I have also paid $189 for one that didn't work so great.

Now onto the recipes...  One of my favorites is this recipe..

Over at the "Hungry Mouse" you will also find lots of other recipes to try. I used to have a very long loaf pan to make one large loaf of bread. This recipe was perfect for doing just that. Of course you could stick with making 2 one pound loaves and stick one in the freezer... that is, if there is one left.

My other favorite recipe is for one loaf and it is basically the same except that there are no measurements for the lard or the flour. It is from the Amish Cook's Baking Book, by Lovina Eicher with Kevin Williams   

You can probably find it at an online bookstore or a local retailer. Not so much Walmart. MSRP is $29.99. I was gifted a copy about 9 years ago by a co-worker. I think she bought them at one of those traveling book fairs, however, I cannot be certain. She did say she never got around to trying the recipes and wanted me to have the two books she bought. I let them sit on the shelf for a long time as I had my favorites already. But one day I decided to give it a try and the rest is history! To me this would be an excellent wedding gift, better than a Betty Crocker book IMHO. 

Anyway, this is the recipe I used yesterday to make bread for the family. I was chatting with a very dear friend as I put this together and I did not need the noise of a mixer in the background as it was a long distance call.

I will post pictures later of the bread as I need to run out the door and do some errands this morning. There is snow in the forecast for Sunday so I need to be prepared for a snow day on Monday!

Keep warm and go bake some bread!


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