Late... as usual

Now this post is to supplement the "One Month Old Today" post. No today isn't her birthdate. Yes the post is late. But out of respect for the family (yep that's my excuse since I didn't get it done on time) it was not posted on her day. In fact I only got one picture that day! What is this world coming to that Gramma doesn't get a ton of pictures?! Oh wait... Gramma also didn't stay up all night with a colicky baby either... Aren't babies great!?!?!?

Grand babies are so fun! You can visit or not and not have to stay up all night!!! That said today is cleaning day... It was going to be "take some boxes out east" day but there is a snow squall forcasted. So it is stay and clean day. The sky is blue and the sun is bright... but there is that forcast.

There is also a ton of things to do here today and time is short when it comes to free babysitting. In fact, they expect you to pick them up by 1450. The nerve. I am blessing them with my kiddos (they said so at the assembly last Friday) and they place demands on me!

There is much to do out east also, a way to get into the house without climbing would be nice, stairs instead of bungee cords to enter the basement would be even better. Although the grandson might argue that last one. The inside railing around the top of the stairs to the second floor would also be pretty awesome! 

But no matter, I have cleaning here and there is a snow squall on the way!

Have a great Monday!!


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