Homeschooling continues...USA Today

Yesterday I stopped inside our local gas station and actually went inside to purchase a soda. As I was checking out I noticed the headline on the newspaper stand for USA Today. It stated "Sorry Parents, Homeschooling to continue".

For some parents this is terrible news. Especially those that require two incomes to manage and those who may not have family close by that can help out with the kiddos. Living in a town with 5 military installations this is a common thread. Churches and installations themselves do quite a bit to alleviate the stress of military families where they can, but really there isn't anything quite like family.

My children mostly live here but our extended family does not. It was challenging when it came to going to the field for me and making sure the kids had adequate care. So I do understand the dilemma that forced homeschooling can present.

This morning I got up and finished ordering the school books for the two youngest girls. I had started yesterday in hopes of using a discount code for the AOP site. Unfortunately the code expired yesterday, but a quick call to the 800 number and the customer service agent was able to override the system and apply the code for me. Yay!

This new month may even be the month we move back onto our property and begin renting out the little house in town. It will be a bitter sweet departure from the city. While I miss not being where I can easily tend the garden and the chickens, I also enjoy being closer to the stores and the kids in town. And mentioning them in that order had nothing to do with preference!

All that said, I am not holding my breath. It has been a long wait with many false alarms. So a lesson in patience that has been stretched over 6 months and counting. It has been almost 19 months since the fire itself but only 6 months since the placement of the modular onto the basement. Other events have kept us busy, i.e. scooter accidents, it hasn't been all bad but still a learning curve on patience!

Stayed tuned!


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