
Showing posts from April, 2023

Now what....

 It is another beautiful day time and freezing cold nighttime week here on the plains. Due to what looks to be "arc" burns on the outside power outlets, I have unplugged the extension cords that feed the oil-based heaters in the chicken house and also the well house. We switched to these types of heaters for the outside needs after our house burned to the ground, possibly by one of the "heat lamp" types of heating systems that we used previously. socket on house cord that was removed from socket This past week has been a roller coaster of events and happenings. It started out with a chicken being mauled by escaping dogs and ended with a trampoline park birthday party. The in between events were no less adventurous than either end. In fact, it has been so busy that there was very little time to sit and blog! I have kept myself too busy to accomplish little things that are for enjoyment, but I did get some baking done. Sunday morning breakfast banana cream bread honey...

weekend snow

 When I first arrived in Colorado via the gracious hand of Uncle Sam, it snowed every weekend. It would be nice all week and I would stand there on the tarmac wondering what fun the kids and I would conjure up on Saturday. When Saturday arrived, the snow came with it and not just a little snow. Usually enough that my little Ford Festiva was not able to be driven very far. No trips into the mountains, barely any to the grocery store across the street from the townhouses that we lived in. Friday's whiteness The minimal amount of snow that has fallen this winter and spring, is pitiful comparatively speaking. This lack of moisture has prompted my plan to container garden this year. So far, I have green beans sprouted and buttercrunch lettuce, a few tomato plants, two types of watermelons, pumpkin, Brussel sprouts, sweet peppers and cabbage. The broccoli is still not sprouting. The sweet peppers just began so there is hope for the others to still come up. this tray has a variety of seed...

end of another busy week

 It is Friday and the week has flown by. The one thing I can count on is change. No matter the original plan for the day, something changes. Usually, we just roll with the punches, other times we struggle to regain control of the situation. Last evening, after having an afternoon to get some things done and PT, I returned home with 3 new Guinea pigs for the kids. Do not ask why as there is no reason for this adventure. Both girls met me at the door squealing with delight at the new pets. For the rest of the evening, I was unable to say a word of conversation to either girl they had so much to tell me about what they did while I was gone. Not only that they had to tell me all their thoughts about everything under the sun that they could think of. They did all of this with two devices playing music or you tube videos loudly as they talked over each other, and the chaos was on overdrive. There was no chance of recovery for the situation. Two of the three  the largest at 10 ounces...

gorilla glue... not for couch cushions...

 Easter Sunday was quite the day! Sleep did not hit until 0400 on Easter morning. Sunrise service was just after that. We made it. Barely. Then the day started and most of that was in the previous blog post. I left it off with the gorilla glue situation. It seems that DH is a bit attached to the antique couch that had been gifted to us after the fire. With two broken legs it was an eyesore to me. I suggested we throw it out a week or so ago, DH said no I will fix it. So, it sat, sad and pathetic looking in the main living room. Yesterday morning I made the suggestion again in reference to tossing it. This brought about a "repair" session. While I tried to explain the difference between wants and needs to the youngest, while out and about, DH set about a few tasks.  When we arrived home the couch was not finished. He said we returned unexpectedly. Good to know. Next time I shall stay out longer if I can stand to. Either way he got back to work while I started dinner. Next thin...

Vow to get it done... sooner rather than later

 Today I resolved to get things in order, financially, stale snack cupboard, outgrown clothes, you name it I am resolved to take care of it before June 1st. The snack cupboard got added in by the youngest. She wanted to something to snack on and found some stale licorice. That started the cupboard cleaning... again. We did reorganize the pantry a while back only to discover, by being shown through a text, that it was an attempt at racist overtures. I am going to work on that. Not today though. I have been sorting paperwork for a week at least, at first it was to find missing letters, now that they have been found it is to locate all tax paperwork and get the financial house in order. Trying to find stuff and keep the house going at the same time can be overwhelming at the very least. All this while trying to un-school the girls and keep my sanity. The wild dogs in the house do not help my sanity, yet I feel bad thinking of sending them away. I can see how my younger sister ended up...