end of another busy week

 It is Friday and the week has flown by. The one thing I can count on is change. No matter the original plan for the day, something changes. Usually, we just roll with the punches, other times we struggle to regain control of the situation. Last evening, after having an afternoon to get some things done and PT, I returned home with 3 new Guinea pigs for the kids. Do not ask why as there is no reason for this adventure. Both girls met me at the door squealing with delight at the new pets. For the rest of the evening, I was unable to say a word of conversation to either girl they had so much to tell me about what they did while I was gone. Not only that they had to tell me all their thoughts about everything under the sun that they could think of. They did all of this with two devices playing music or you tube videos loudly as they talked over each other, and the chaos was on overdrive. There was no chance of recovery for the situation.

Two of the three 

the largest at 10 ounces

On top of that, the PT session was, IMHO, destructive. My arm was left in more pain than I have had in a while. I am not trying to complain, I am just processing how uncomfortable I was and now am. It was a busy afternoon and each time I went into a business or a friend's I left my phone in the car. It is an electronic leash on top of being a helpful device for keeping in touch with others and gathering info. I am at a standstill on certain projects, at the mercy on others sending information to me. While out and about I learned that my friend's daughter is expecting a new baby. She is fairly sure it is a girl this time. I am excited! I can hardly wait to start sewing things! Her youngest is about 18 months and he is the third boy in a row for her. It is high time for some pink in her life!

We did manage to get a few things done this week. We went for glasses for the oldest on Tuesday, and I saved my prescription for Thursday so I could look in peace without bouncy kids in tow. Wednesday was a great day to walk outside in the yard with the family. DH went with us and used his new devices to stay upright. They were a help to him, and he made it around the whole yard with us. 

With my adventures to town yesterday, we did not walk last night and this morning there are at least a half dozen things to do here before the cold catches up to us tomorrow. I need to go egg hunting this morning and work on our schoolwork.  We have already weighed the new pets, that is going to be part of our ongoing science project. The largest weighs a solid 10 ounces. My kitchen scale will never be the same. Our lesson plans this past week have been very light. It is tax season. 

For health we are doing the girls in care of you book. The older kiddo is moving along just fine in it. The younger is a bit leery. She is at an uncomfortable age for learning these things. She is also at a stubborn age. Trying to get her to do what she does not want to do is a task in futility. My patience wanes in the early morning. By lunch it is gone. For science we are tracking our pets and their needs. Hopefully this will take some of the work off of me and place it onto the "owners".

Today the weather was due to change and change it did. The white stuff on the ground is cold but we need the moisture. So, no need to complain.

That stuff melted within two hours

but it was pretty

This early Saturday morning there is a fresh layer of snow, and it is still falling, the cat won't even go out. It is finally springtime in the high plains.

Well at some point this morning I will have to leave home and fetch fresh milk. I did not go get any yesterday as the youngest did not want to leave the new pets, lest they get lonely. As I waited for DH to return from his tasks the weather began to change. Today it is solidly snowing, and we may be relying on the storage milk in powder form instead of heading to town in the snow. That is a good thing as the storage food needs rotation anyway.


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