Now what....

 It is another beautiful day time and freezing cold nighttime week here on the plains. Due to what looks to be "arc" burns on the outside power outlets, I have unplugged the extension cords that feed the oil-based heaters in the chicken house and also the well house. We switched to these types of heaters for the outside needs after our house burned to the ground, possibly by one of the "heat lamp" types of heating systems that we used previously.

socket on house
cord that was removed from socket

This past week has been a roller coaster of events and happenings. It started out with a chicken being mauled by escaping dogs and ended with a trampoline park birthday party. The in between events were no less adventurous than either end. In fact, it has been so busy that there was very little time to sit and blog! I have kept myself too busy to accomplish little things that are for enjoyment, but I did get some baking done.

Sunday morning breakfast banana cream bread
honey wheat bread
2 of 4 loaves baked this past week

Birthday cupcake batter

the new version of clue

sourdough starter that quit

poor mauled chicken

seedlings in the house still

not so effective solar panels

Needless to say, the plans for the lessons with the girls were interrupted several times. We started up in the Girls in care of you books again. We worked on logic and reasoning. You know cause and effect and how it relates to everyday life. The Guinea pigs are growing each day. Part of our science lessons is weighing them and keeping a log of what we do. Most days it is very hard to get the youngest to write she rather record a video. Chore lists were a flop. Consistency is hard to come by even though it is the only thing that works. Our world is consistent only with inconsistency.

Near the end of the week the party plans evolved with more SNAFU's than I can count. All in all, the party was a success. That said I will probably never go there for a party again. That wraps up all that I can write about last week. Oh, there were many more things, but that is all I can write about nicely! Onward and upward!!


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