gorilla glue... not for couch cushions...

 Easter Sunday was quite the day! Sleep did not hit until 0400 on Easter morning. Sunrise service was just after that. We made it. Barely. Then the day started and most of that was in the previous blog post. I left it off with the gorilla glue situation. It seems that DH is a bit attached to the antique couch that had been gifted to us after the fire. With two broken legs it was an eyesore to me. I suggested we throw it out a week or so ago, DH said no I will fix it. So, it sat, sad and pathetic looking in the main living room. Yesterday morning I made the suggestion again in reference to tossing it. This brought about a "repair" session. While I tried to explain the difference between wants and needs to the youngest, while out and about, DH set about a few tasks. 

When we arrived home the couch was not finished. He said we returned unexpectedly. Good to know. Next time I shall stay out longer if I can stand to. Either way he got back to work while I started dinner. Next thing I know it is UNO Flip time. The youngest was on overdrive and I did not speak quietly to tell her to stop. I noticed it got too quiet I went looking for her. She was in her room. I apologized for yelling and tried again to explain that you have to stop when asked the first time to avoid getting yelled at. She said she wasn't sad; she was in her room because dad had left his stuff on the couch. When I enquired "what stuff?", her reply was gorilla glue. She stated she had told him, but he didn't listen. 

She showed me the glue spill and it was not anything that could be overlooked, cleaned easily or just explained away. It was worthy of cushion and couch tossing. But so was the other. I went to DH sitting in his recliner in the bedroom and casually asked what can be used to clean up spilled gorilla glue. He got up pretty quickly for him, and started to clean the mess. He asked for flour and a spatula. 

flour on the glue 

waiting for the rest to "soak up"

I am not sure how long this process may take but it did remove at least the surface layer of glue. Thus begins another week of curve balls. On that note I rushed around the front of the chicken pen earlier today and picked up stuff to throw into the dumpster before the trash man comes... he comes next Monday. :) At least I am ahead of the ball... for right now.
my last load for this morning 

Today there was an appointment for the youngest kiddo and one for me. We made it to her appointment and managed to meet up with a Facebook Marketplace seller to obtain an item from our wish list. We headed back home and if we timed it just right, we would be home with enough time left for me to take the dry laundry off of the clothesline and hang the load that was in the washing machine. All things went as planned and I took dinner requests and headed to town for my appointment. Things were going smoothly or so I thought. I filled the tank on the minivan and headed toward the main road, the low tire light beeped, and a quick glance alerted me to an impending flat. My choices were limited, so I opted to connect with the therapy people and reschedule at the risk of a no-show fee. The other choice was to find a tire dealer and still risk the fee or show up and come out to a flat tire when therapy would be over.

I returned to the gas station and filled the tire to 37psi and headed for home. My plan was to watch the pressure gauge and make decisions on the way. It seemed I was losing about a pound every 5 miles as long as I kept moving. Stop lights were not helpful. This would be a great diet! My last chance to stop where there would be someone that I would know would be the junk yard. My decision was if it dropped to 33 or less, I would stop and ask to leave the car there and call for a ride. After the junk yard the next safe stop would be the visitor center at the air base. To my good fortune the pressure stayed up and only dropped to 33 once I passed the air base entrance. I was fairly confident that I could make it home, so I continued on. As I turned off the highway and onto the hardball that leads to home the pressure dropped to 32. I made it home safely. I shared the information with DH and then made dinner.

About 2 hours later DH went outside and came back in fairly quickly. He announced that I had a low tire. Did I know that I had a low tire. I looked at him as if he were from Mars. Then I thought better of the look and said why yes, yes, I did. Time to do the dishes.

Good morning it is now Wednesday, I am not even sure where Tuesday went! I know we went to town early. With a 10am appointment for the older at the orthodontist office, I decided to take the younger so that we would not have to return right away. Then I made the decision to not take a cooler with me. Bad idea. We ended up getting groceries while out and they needed refrigeration. So, home we went with dairy products, fresh and frozen, and meat for the chili cook-off for the men's group at church last night. Which by the way I got second place in. Shocked me! 
returning abandoned carts to stores while waiting for glasses

With the Chili made and eye-glass scripts in hand the girls and I headed back into town. Sadly, the new to me car, started an irritating and ominous "squeal". The noise paired with the faint antifreeze smell that I have noticed since obtaining the car leads me to believe that not only has a sealed failed somewhere, but that it is a seal near the water pump area. I anticipate that we will need the water pump replaced soon or at the very least the belt. It was noisy just every once in a while, on the way to town. On the way back it serenaded me all. the. way. home.
walking back to pick up glasses

It is currently 0425, the dogs were annoyed at something about 0330 and finally their whining forced me out of bed. DH appeared to be talking in his sleep and the little that was asleep on a pallet on the floor was sniffing and coughing. To my surprise both were actually awake, reminders of Easter morning. I let the dogs out and they were ridiculously loud with their barking this morning. No sense going back to bed, at least not right now.

Twenty minutes later it seemed worth it to go back to bed! And I did! I rested soundly until the youngest woke me at 0720 to ask me to text my friend about guinea pigs later today. Gotta love persistence!


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