So begins week 2 of October

Okay I am a day or so early for the second week, but I made progress today. I worked a bit in the chicken house, and they should stay warm at least for a bit. I also saw the geese sailing high on a jet stream this afternoon. I wish I had thought to take a picture. The whole time that I watched them they just glided no wing flapping at all, it was awesome. For the chickens I was able to makeshift a few roosts for them to get them off of the ground. I also spread a bunch of wood shavings to insulate the floor a bit. This morning I awoke to frost. It is Fall for sure. Winter is not far off. I guess all plans will soon be frozen into the moment until Spring. That is likely a good thing. If the weather is nice during the children's break from school, I will look for somewhere warm to go for a few days. Trying to locate someone to move the piano to a donation center has been challenging. Not one service has called back and only one answered. That one does not service this area. I also h...