So begins week 2 of October

 Okay I am a day or so early for the second week, but I made progress today. I worked a bit in the chicken house, and they should stay warm at least for a bit. I also saw the geese sailing high on a jet stream this afternoon. I wish I had thought to take a picture. The whole time that I watched them they just glided no wing flapping at all, it was awesome. For the chickens I was able to makeshift a few roosts for them to get them off of the ground. I also spread a bunch of wood shavings to insulate the floor a bit.

This morning I awoke to frost. It is Fall for sure. Winter is not far off. I guess all plans will soon be frozen into the moment until Spring. That is likely a good thing. If the weather is nice during the children's break from school, I will look for somewhere warm to go for a few days. Trying to locate someone to move the piano to a donation center has been challenging. Not one service has called back and only one answered. That one does not service this area.

I also have looked for orange yarn in my stash here at home and I do not have any. Perhaps it will just be the traditional "blanket" for the expected baby. It is faster and an easier thing to set down and pick right back up where I left off without difficulty. I am making it in very nice yellow solid and yellow variegated set of granny squares. That way I can work one at a time anywhere. I am debating on sewing them together with white, yellow or color all together for accent.

Today is Sunday and also the day that the family has decided to celebrate the birthday of the 17-year-old grandson. My daughter made a Boston creme cake for the occasion. Not fond of that kind of cake but to each their own. I don't care for cake in general but that's a story for another day. The balance of the family did not come out to celebrate, just as well. 

This whole week has been a bit busy. On Monday the rest of the family came out to celebrate. Lucky for me I made lots of pot pie mixture. Everyone got to take a pie home for dinner. Now if they ever want any more, they will need to return the pie pans they were given.

On Saturday all of my pie pans were returned. We are still cleaning up the yard and the house, my granddaughter helped me move a lot of furniture to the mobile home this weekend. There is still a lot to do to get things cleaned up. and looking less cluttered. Progress was made and that was a good thing!

Cannot seem to unload the piano

these things are in here temporarily

my birthday mulch

a cool sunset

Bye for now!!


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