Hello 2024

 Why is it that we think of resolutions at the start of a new year? Really, we can resolve to change anything at any point in the year. Perhaps it is the thought of just starting over with a brand-new planner or calendar or even just the hype that society lends to it.

This year started with bringing my SIL back into the family home. It has been eventful to say the least. The kids are adjusting and so am I. DH doesn't interact that much with her, so it doesn't seem to affect him either way. Meal planning is a bit more challenging as she is much like the youngest kiddo in the realm of pickiness. We will manage.

As far as moving goes, DH has decided he does not want to move. I still do but I want the right house to come along. Strike the first sentence, because almost as soon as he got out the statement that he did not want to move he requested that we go look at an unremarkable house in Byars Oklahoma. I have been studying this house for a few hours now. Not constantly, but off and on throughout the day.

my attempt at deli style roast beef

the French bread that did not become dipped

The house he likes is very plain. This not a bad thing. It seems to have 3 bedrooms on the first floor and that is a plus. The kitchen is ridiculous, but that can be changed. This might just work. I'll make arrangements to go see it.

As for the week ending, the dog should not be hungry since he ate my bread... the whole loaf. So, while the house remains asleep, I am prepping for two more loaves. I will keep this addition to the post short and sweet. I shall not mention that the dog risked his life over a loaf of bread. 

This next week holds a few promises of adventure, we shall see how that works. I will try to take pictures this week and share if I can. Life has just been so busy that I forget the camera function on the phone. Well back to the kitchen so that we have bread for lunches tomorrow.


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