blah blah blah

 Sometimes when you think you have it all under control you realize you were wrong. Today the replacement bed for SIL was delivered. Any other day the whole household would have been up and about. Not today though, it is like they knew the delivery would be very early. Luckily the guys that dropped it off had it assembled and ready to go. They brought it through the front door and set it on its side in the living room. Of course, when DH got up, he insisted that I let him move it around and move the other bed out of her room all the good stuff. He also decided that he had to go somewhere. 

The beds have been moved and all is where it should be, sort of. DH is still out somewhere. I bought her a new mattress and when I was calculating the height for her, I decided a 6-inch mattress might be best. Now that I have taken it out of the package it has to expand for 3 days. It may end up being too short or uncomfortable. I placed it on my bedframe to give it time to expand and left my mattress on her bed. As is the bed being 4-inches shorter seems to be easy enough for her to get into so far. another 4 inches might be too low. She seems to be in la-la land today.

All the changes affect her deeply. The day things are happening isn't always bad, but the next day is a different story. sometimes it is the whole next week that is affected. Things I want to do, things I need to do, all of it affected. I thought today I would get to take her out to lunch or just out. She really can't go anywhere when this hits her like it does. Therefore, I also cannot go anywhere. It is okay, taking a break and staying home won't kill me. If I tell myself that enough I will believe it.

Eggs from the week

This post was started on Monday of last week. It is Sunday and so much has happened since then. We have had therapy, appointments and drama. Not necessarily in that order but had them all the same. My cousin died, my dad is in AFib, no one seems to think taking him to the ER is an answer. It snowed then it was nice and then it snowed again. The air smells of Spring and the chickens are laying well. 

My granddaughter and I created a "hangout" space in the basement for the teens and young adults. Turns out the cat does not want to share the space without sharing the bed. The girls are allergic to him so visiting is all they will do down there. I moved the teenager's television down there and the bunkbed that had been in her room before SIL returned. It is a comfy spot for them without the crazy questioning that they get while on this floor from SIL.

enjoying a K-drama

enjoying me leaving them

Pac man even got used yesterday
not quite finished

getting there

plastic tubs of granddaughters things

old bunkbed and bags of material

dining room set moved to basement

All in all, I think once they get used to hanging out down there, they will enjoy it more and more. They needed an area to be loud in and not have SIL telling them to do things. Currently she discovered the couch in the small living room and decided to crash on it. So much for my space.  

For breakfast I thought we could have something a bit different, so I made the fixings for breakfast burritos. The only takers were my granddaughter and myself.

 no need to take pics of the other toppings

fresh out of nest eggs and there are leftovers

sausage and chicken taco mix were available

I even shredded the cheese fresh! No pre-shredded bag stuff, no sir! I guess it is breakfast burritos for my lunch LOL. Joke was on me. I enjoyed it though, and between myself and the dog there are no longer any leftovers.

This week is the lead up to DH having surgery and life going on an indefinite hold. It is also the week that we have a hearing in court on the house we did not buy. I will keep the blog updated. 

I mailed out several items that had been made for Christmas gifts and birthday gifts. I know it is way past the season, but I sent them anyway. I also finished the hat for my youngest granddaughter.

Maddie's hat

Finishing little things helps to keep me grounded. Not sane but grounded. Have a great week everyone!


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