8 days a week...

This is truly what some weeks feel like. Yet the amount of time to get things done seems more like 4 days available. Quiet time for thinking eludes me this week as does paperwork productivity. By that I mean address changes, tax paperwork gathering, and generally trying to stay afloat with all bills. On top of all this my washer got lazy on me. 

the new washer works well

maybe I shouldn't have just shoved it out the door

Then again, maybe I should shove more things out the door that don't work... just saying. Soon the man will come and pick up the washer and maybe the other washer that is on the scrap pallet.

On a lighter note, change of address forms are filled out and the search for a new home continues. My plans to attend a memorial for my great aunt are still evolving. I had thought to go for the weekend and allow SIL to return to the care center for about three days. However, they have another outbreak of covid running through the place and they called to say they would be working on her room, and she would be placed in a different room for the duration of her stay.

It is Saturday and my granddaughter is here to visit and help me with a few things. Currently she is on her way to town to pick up a bucket of fried chicken as that is what the current household has requested for dinner tonight. Works for me as I do not feel like cooking, and I can use the break from the whining teen that went with her. We had discussed moving the bookcases to the basement last weekend and that may be what happens this weekend. Time will tell.

I would also like to install the replacement microwave that goes above the stove. It has been here for quite some time, and it would be nice to get the countertop microwave off of the countertop. Well now that I typed that we have the old microwave down, only to discover there is not outside vent for the fan. I have decided that for now we will not install the new microwave.

old microwave

no vent spot where it was and dirty stove top

Frustrating to say the least. The kids are almost back from town. That was then this is now. After removing the microwave from the wall SIL felt the need to turn the burners to the stove on and wander off. Now my stove sits without knobs, and I no longer put anything into the oven, just in case.

SIL helping with lunch treats

Life as whole is different with SIL here, not like when she first came, but still different. With DH having an upcoming surgery planed, I am having to plan for the care of SIL, during and after the big event. I really am hoping for better weather at that time. I do not know if warmer weather will make it any easier or not, but I want warmer weather.

I have given a lot of thought to the upcoming memorial service for my late aunt. I have decided not to go. I want to go but I am not sure about the logistics of all of it.

Well, it is now the Friday before the next weekend. I have accomplished very little. More than enough, I guess under the current circumstances, but still very little compared to what needs to be done. Tomorrow the youngest grandchild turns four. Hard to believe but true. What do you get for the grandchild who has everything? 

Happy Sunday! The party went well, and everyone went. I made an apron to go with the other things that we had for the birthday girl. It was way too long for her. Her mom was happy with it. She will grow into it she says.

Her cake

the birthday girl with the teen

The too big apron

Her mom is so talented at decorating! She actually downsized the celebration this year and I was still amazed at all she is able to make! Today was change out the guinea pig cages, shower the SIL, and generally get ready for the week. My older granddaughter helped my carry the kitchen table to the basement. We tried to get the gas dryer to the shed instead of the basement but that proved impossible for us so I will recruit help in the form of adult sons or son-in-laws.


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