It has been a minute since I have taken the time to engage on this platform. I do not really miss it that much. Quite a bit has happened in 2 months. Surgery for me, a new diagnosis for my mom, school starting for the kids, company arriving and departing, quite a bit more that makes it just amazing to realize how fast time is going. Our trip to Michigan was fast, but good. Everyone is doing the best that they can. We tossed around getting a small house for vacations and long-term stays; however, I think we have decided against the idea.
I am still unpacking from the trip. The urgency to downsize is apparent. A list of things to work on is started but like most lists I make it gets interrupted by daily life. Starting the dishwasher at 0500 this morning I received a call from the care center reminding me there is another person who is in need of my attention. Add a visit to my list.
The oldest announced that it is Thursday, great I thought I would drop kids at school and return home to do some work until it was time to take the youngest grandchild to preschool. Not so much today, it is hippo-therapy for my youngest. Maybe next time? Tomorrow none of the kids have school, but it is also homecoming so there is a dress to buy for the oldest.
Well time to get off my seat and fix lunches. I hope to add more to this later.

the trouble code that prevented use
the somewhat useless toy

It is now two days later and even more has happened. I never made the visit to the care center. I cancelled Hippo therapy; the high school received a gun threat and kids were sent home. Afterschool activities were cancelled. And that was just Thursday. Friday was a movie and baby chick dying. More details would just prove boring. Today is real Fall weather, and I do not care for it. The oldest and I made it to the store to buy a dress for the homecoming dance tonight. She is excited and I am tired.
The only thing I accomplished at the house today is gathering of eggs and stakes around rain barrels in the hope that they won't turn over with the next big wind. They turned over several times today and I fought the wind up righting them. I also took the truck to town and put air in the low tire. The grey skies and the wind have me feeling a bit sorry for myself. I don't have any reason to feel this way. So, I will get up off of my rear end and get the animals fed and the dishes done.
The teen is at the dance and the tween is in her room and the DH is loading magazines. He wants to be ready when he gets to go to the range. I cannot go to the range for another 6 months according to the surgeon who does not want to see his efforts destroyed. So hopefully DH will have fun, and I will work on a hoophouse for the winter garden. That is of course not today.
Today is almost over. I did bring a trough to the basement to put the plants in to protect them from the weather tonight. The doggie door had to be removed as the wind is getting colder and the rain is starting. I did bring all of the vegetable plants inside; I still need to get all of the pineapple starts and the geraniums in. It isn't supposed to freeze tonight, but I probably shouldn't take any chances.
It is morning and Little Bit is full of energy and texting her half-brother in Michigan. They are very similar in ideation. It is good to see her excited to interact with others. The ducks are happy this morning as the rain barrels were full and I made them a mud puddle. Now to get busy and clean the kitchen and post pictures from our trip.

Deer blind on Jerry's property
one of the chickens at my mom's

the other
Jerry's back yard and the woods

DH resting at the edge of the woods
It was a very long walk to get to the woods. There would be four more rest stops before completing the walk through the woods and getting back towards the house. It was a very beautiful walk.
natural events

autumn olives
pretty flowers with a bee

grape vines
The abundance of foliage made me want to move back to Michigan if only for a while. I do miss the changing of the seasons. Although, someone flipped the switch here and it is Fall today. Gloomy and cold. When it comes down to it the grandkids and kids that are here will keep us here for at least another year.
Afterall, most days it is like I live alone. Everyone hides in their rooms until they need food or an ear.
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