A week in review...

This week has been overwhelming at best. If had made a list to do something I certainly never referenced it as the week went along. Now it is Saturday, and my granddaughter drove down from Wyoming to spend it with me. We have had quite a time today, playing table games and baking and making treats. 2 loaves of sandwich bread for the week ahead peppermint bark just because we could We also went through my cupboards and pulled out duplicate spices and dishes so that I could share with her. It helps me and her at the same time. I really was disappointed when I found out the house that we had hoped for was not to be. I looked at several others that the LLL company sent and 3 were just about perfect, except that they also were already spoken for. Our realtor sent us another and we plan to go look at it this next week. It is not my favorite, but DH likes it, so we will see. I found out today that the owner is not leaving any appliances except those that cannot be removed. That cou...