A week in review...

 This week has been overwhelming at best. If had made a list to do something I certainly never referenced it as the week went along. Now it is Saturday, and my granddaughter drove down from Wyoming to spend it with me. We have had quite a time today, playing table games and baking and making treats. 

2 loaves of sandwich bread for the week ahead

peppermint bark just because we could

We also went through my cupboards and pulled out duplicate spices and dishes so that I could share with her. It helps me and her at the same time. I really was disappointed when I found out the house that we had hoped for was not to be. I looked at several others that the LLL company sent and 3 were just about perfect, except that they also were already spoken for. Our realtor sent us another and we plan to go look at it this next week.

It is not my favorite, but DH likes it, so we will see. I found out today that the owner is not leaving any appliances except those that cannot be removed. That could be a good thing. Or not. I am going to try and be open minded about it, but anxiety and doubt fill my mind if I don't keep busy. Not to mention all the fear of taking the kids where we know absolutely no one. This property is small in acres and smaller in house than the one we are in. There is plenty of storage though and that is a good thing. 

Our house is currently at 3150sf of finished living area and another 1800sf of unfinished living area. It has its challenges with being 3 different levels. However, if the lake house does not meet my expectations, I can be here until the right place comes along. Well, the chicken thighs are done and ready to put into the fridge to cool so that I can package them for future meals, so I will close this for now and try to add more tomorrow.

Of course, after we heard from the realtor it was time for the lawyer to send another message. It seems anytime we start to think it is safe to look again, the first house rears its head to remind me to have anxiety about even thinking of moving. A new date for the deposition and no explanation for the behavior of the opposing counsel. Nothing new there.

freeze dried eggs

blending into a powder

Monday started with packaging up 4 dozen eggs for the future. Followed by Tuesday and denting DH's car


Maybe it is best to close the week out with that and let the rest go by the wayside. This coming week will be better...


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