Broken hearts...

 It's election night and I don't care to watch. Not because I don't care, but because I am suffering a broken heart for two young people who lost their precious mother last night. The oldest of the two is my teen's buddy. The two girls are as close as sisters. My teen always referred to Ellie's mom as her second mother. Ellie is a bubbly teen that has a heart for her little brother. Often, I would see her at the school where the tween still attends to pick her brother up because her mom was working. The two would walk over a mile one way to get to school. Ellie is a responsible teen when it comes to caring for her brother. Her mother taught her to be just that. Ellie and her mother were best friends. Now Ellie is being strong for everyone. Many a car ride home Ellie would laugh with Peyton, and they would beg to hang out together, but with Ellie's mom at work it had to wait till the weekend. But then SIL left us for heaven, so the weekend had to wait until we returned. Then it was cold, and Ellie had to clean her room, her mom said so. Then, it was too late, Ellie's mom left us. 

That is why my heart aches, and I have no interest in who runs the country right now. Oh sure, I might care in the morning. But right now... it matters not. 

Some things actually got done today. While the two girls spent Ellie's lunchtime together, I helped a maintenance man at the school rake leaves into plastic bags. Kind? Maybe but I was trying not to intrude on the girls' visit and the maintenance man said I could have the leaves for my garden mulch. Long after the announcement for the students to return to the building was made, I was still raking leaves, and the man was bagging them and loading them into my truck. It was therapeutic for me. What I wanted to do was grab Ellie and take her home and protect her. But she is not mine to protect. I can, but it must be from afar. She must walk this path with friends at her side and other parents available but not hovering. A horrible rite of passage for a 14-year-old.

While I was gone, the travelers came over and finished the chicken wire project around the chicken house. They stayed long enough to help me corral the ducks and chickens into the new enclosure. The ducks may not be happy about not being able to "fly the coop", but I am very happy that they are safe and eventually I may get them into the henhouse for protection from the weather too.

more snow due in tonight

the east side pen is fully enclosed 

a straw house for the ducks

pools and food

the ducks in the far pond
When I go out tomorrow, I will take pictures of the enclosed area it is perfect.
For now, I am going to bed. I cannot do anymore tonight.


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