A second Fall break for the kiddos...

 Last week went out with a bang or a storm. The storm brought much needed moisture and a much-needed break from driving to the schools for me. With the oldest experiencing significant loss through a close friend and me wondering why such a young mom, staying home was exactly what was needed to process the grief and try to make sense of senseless loss. I was about the same age when our neighbors lost their mother. I remember the morning very well even though I do not want to.

On to the snowstorm that finally found the ducks inside the hen house. It has been months of trying to get them to go inside. Once the guys were able to finish the chicken wire enclosure, we were able to corner the ducks quite a bit easier. Personally,

I am extremely happy with the results, even though it took all of the Fall season to accomplish. The birds are quite cozy inside and the view is intimidating even to me. This was the first morning. Three days of on and off snowfall added up to about 12 inches of heavy wet stuff. I went out twice the first day and then limited myself to once a day until, well actually I have yet to go out today. It is cold and I have to carry the 50lb bag of feed from the truck across the snow on a saucer sled which is way easier than carrying it, but still cold. Just have to motivate myself to do it.

This week the plastic dishes are going to be reduced in number. I am tired of collecting a sink full, from each child's room just after I have finished washing and putting away what was already in the sink. It has also been a week of prepping mixes and freeze-drying eggs and other goodies. This morning, I filled the trays with 4 dozen eggs. I could kick myself for not doing buttermilk at the same time.

This was the view on Saturday from inside the henhouse.

I am sure a lot of the buildup has melted but not enough to say "here chicky, chicky" and get a response to playing in the stuff. We have been averaging 3 eggs a day during this storm and that is pretty good for a henhouse without heat. Today there were three more eggs. I opened the east side door and the north door and I forgot to take a picture looking from the north door. :( Suffice it to say it is still full of snow and no one wanted out.

Radio Flyer saucer to the rescue!

I even tried to entice them out

Today's allotment of eggs

With the feed placed into the can and the birds fed, I am toying with the idea of going to the commissary. However, tomorrow I am kid free, so maybe I'll just go then. The weatherman has promised all parents that there will indeed be school tomorrow. Now to see if enough snow melts on the side roads to keep the weatherman out of the dog house.


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