hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go...

Sometimes I get up rarin' to go and have such high hopes for the day....and then my feet actually hit the floor.  Take this blog for instance, when I first tackled the idea of "blogging" I thought "hey I can do this how much time could this take after all". 

Then real life got in the way, you know taking out the trash, feeding the kids, the dog and all the other animals we hold hostage. Next thing I know it has been months since I wrote anything at all!

Now it is time to vote and have already hastily placed my ballot in the box I discovered that I may have voted in a manner that goes totally against what I stand for... bummer. In an earlier post I mused about why my Grandmother may have committed suicide... perhaps getting behind in every way possible had something to do with it.

Well back to my original idea about getting up rarin' to go in the morning... Then I get tangled under dishes or laundry that is screaming to be folded or just the chores of daily living and having others to care and provide for.

Even making a list doesn't get me through the day I get sidetracked faster than anything and my focus is more on hindsight than foresight! Oh well Get out and vote!!!


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