Summer...or so they say

Summer started with Father's Day and Lily's third birthday and long awaited baby alive unwrapping. Lily has waited for this doll since watching me buy it three months earlier on clearance at the bx. No matter where I hid this doll she stumbled across it! Of course I did the mommy thing and said it was for someone else's birthday but come June 21st she quietly said "i get baby live now"?
So her bIrthday was everything she had waited alive. Now dear granddaughter wants one too. Luckily I had found two for a quarter each at a garage sale earlier in the spring and actually just buying accessories had been the birthday plan until we ran across the clearance sale, so there are enough to go around at play time.
On to the wet stuff!!! Yes it's time to swim....or wade in some cool water. And these guys are no different well except they are a little picky about sharing their pool with bugs. They are also surprisingly immodest.  Even the five year old is willing to skinny dip....I send them out with clothes on they come back stripped...can't post that.
So e even though she stripped to swim she takes very good care of her babies you can see a couple of them in this picture.


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