Why is blogging so hard for some of us and yet for others it is as natural as breathing.......

Because they are not living in my house that is why!  Or at least that can be my excuse for now any way! I tell myself each day this will be the day I get organized and get at least one small room in my house cleaned....although today I will not do that. Only because I have all three in one room and if I move.....they will follow me. And not in a blogger way!!

For close to seventeen years I have collected "stuff" not all mine but some and that of an array of kids passing through the doors of our nest each one leaving not only precious memories but lots of stuff! And sometimes animals, no lots of times animals. The most long lived was a dog named Kia. Kia came to us after the oldest girl decided that her then 18 month old was a little too interested in the "pink" button under the dog's tail. You see Kia was an Akita with a very nicely curled tail. Kia arrived into our lives on father's day 2002, we called him Kia from that day on. This was the name number one had told us to call the dog.  Then out of the blue in 2013 number one came to visit and was totally shocked that we have been calling the dog Kia. She not so politely informed us the dog's name  is "Akita".  Now color me prejudice but the dog has been with us for the better part of his fifteen years and responded quite well to his name as we knew it....what is the big deal?! Number one and her subset "a" (nickname for first grandchild) have not been back to visit since that day.

 Recently Kia had been getting more and more feeble and has since passed on. So hopefully the name will too.  And since Kia came to us way back when, seven more grand kids and four new permanent children have also joined us.


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