Some days are diamonds..some days are coal.....others are..well not the best

Well the day's young so it could turn to diamonds but right now it is definitely coal! Work is so busy I am never sure I have done all that needs to be done. And home life is just as busy. It is hard sometimes to hang on to the thoughts for the moment much less remember the chaos of yesterday.
Life with autism is a constant feeling of being on the edge...I had a friend years ago who worked very hard to try and figure out what was different about her son. He was a beautiful baby! The perfect baby, dark hair, beautiful big brown eyes with lashes that would be the envy of any woman. After five long years he finally was diagnosed with aspergers. At that time a firmly foreign word to any of us in her circle of friends. As I look back and remember how smart that little guy was, I am not sure how his mom survived. His dad and I were in the same unit and she was alone with the kids more often than not. When her husband was overseas and I was not; I never realized how hard it was on her. Now with autism in the next room I often think back and feel so bad that I wasn't more supportive to her and her kids. I really had no idea what she was going through. As I struggle with our five year old who was also diagnosed as being on the spectrum but this is years later when the diagnosis is more recognized and schools are now more supportive. For her and her son there was absolutely no support in the school system she could not even get an iep (individualized education plan). She lived in the same district that my older children had been in when we first arrived here. Up to that point one of my kids had always had an iep, that particular district decided he did not need it and mainstreamed him. He dropped out and I began to homeschool him. Of course he was sixth grade not first and quite able to work independently. This was not the case for my friend's child. They have since moved away as is common in military families and the distance causes many a lapse in friendships.


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