A day of rest and visiting dear friends.

Wow! This month has flown by.  It is time to do end of the month chores at work and it seems we just barely did the beginning of the month chores.  The holidays are in full swing and Christmas will be upon us in no time.  We currently have 41 residents at my work and I am not sure what to get them.  I like it to be individual but then sometimes getting everyone the same thing works out to be less costly.

Last year I made everyone a rice sock heating pad.  Now I will probably make the same thing for the new residents this year but the old ones need something too...  I have had various ideas throughout the year but nothing that seems to shout out to me.  There are some who the choice is easy and others are just like buying for family...you know "what in the world do I get them".

It is the first Sunday of Advent and I think of all things I am thankful for,
grandkids and birthdays! Being able to live in a land where we can do or be anything. It also makes me wonder why we spend so much on commercialism and so little on spending time with those we love.

My good friend and coworker was stricken with a terrible form of shingles this year and she is still trying to recover.  She has lost her job, had to learn her new limitations and still isn't even over them yet.  This is a formerly hyper active type person, who now can barely stay up half a day.  She can eat only a tablespoon or so of food and then she is physically ill from trying.  Yet still all she thinks of is her children and grandchildren and making sure they have what they need.

Yesterday, I was able to leave work a bit early so I stopped over to see her and her grandkids.  We had a good visit and of course while there she just wanted to wait on me.  So typical of her :) I miss the days when we would have breakfast together at work.  Be able to talk and encourage one another when the odds seemed against us.  All is not lost of course she is still alive and someday she may be able to work again perhaps we will work together again. 
 is this not the sweetest little face?
With that I will close for today and remember the wonderful visit with my friend and the wonderful family I have at home and count these among the Blessings that are given to me each day.


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