Today has been  the second of two days off in the last 20+ days from my day job.  It is the first day that I did not physically go to my place of employment and do something for one resident or another. As I sit at the table and decide what to do with this valuable time I have my mind goes blank...probably from the overwhelming amount of things I am behind on! The list of what needs to be done is so long, just to sit and write it out would take both of my days off without interruptions...  The odds of that happening are slim to none!

So today I went to King Soopers this morning to get part of our bi weekly grocery haul and spent 29.81 not too bad for being able to get most of our holiday and winter shelf stable things. That total included a 14 pound turkey, 4 pints of fresh raspberries, 5 two liter Vernors ginger ale, 1 two liter orange soda, 1 two liter 7up, 4 two liter A&W Root beers and 1 two liter Squirt and 3 quarts of fresh buttermilk and last but not least a jar of Italian seasoning from the mark down bin. (normally
3.59 a jar, a sweet 1.59!). I like to stock up on ginger ale when the Holiday savings start because when the kids get sick that is our go to drink to feel better! And .88 a bottle is almost the best price you can get for name brand soda around here. Plus this amount of soda will cover all our holiday gatherings too.

My next stop was the dollar store where the plan was unclear but I wanted to get a month's supply of the things that I usually buy at this store. A whopping 25 dollars later I did not totally accomplish that.  But I did get a few supplies that will cover our immediate needs and a couple of Christmas items. I know the key to success for me is a written list and only go if I cannot make do with something I already have on hand.  The other key is to not lose the list!

I then headed home so that my DH and I could go to the commissary and get our main groceries there. We took the two small girls and they of course added about ten dollars in junk food to our list as we made our way through the store. We didn't get any fresh veggies this time as this was mainly a pantry and holiday trip.  We did get five 1lb Oscar meyer lunch meats for .68 to 1.00 each with the blessing of a $1 off coupon on each. We skipped the cereal and chips and cookies as we still had plenty from the last trip. Next was a spiral sliced ham, that was 17.61 with $8 off that price with a coupon.

All in all this commissary trip was under $100 and that essentially is enough with what we have on hand for the next month yay! Happy Thanksgiving! (this post was not posted at the time it was written as the writer is easily distracted ;) by work and small homeschoolers and a very dear husband)
 Mmmm... homemade mini doughnuts!
 Sorry had to add these Pictures.  I found this little doughnut maker at the Goodwill and thought at $2.00 a bog for those little treats that the girls love... $3.99 for a little baker might be worth it.  Plus I am a kitchen gadget junkie! Scoring a fun little doughnut maker for so cheap could pay for itself in the long run.  I started looking for recipes and discovered a cake mix works great and makes 60+ little doughnuts!

The kids enjoyed frosting some and adding sprinkles. I enjoyed them plain and glazed... trust me it was good investment!


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