Afternoon folks! Today I was the first one home from town. It gave me time to make an amazing steak and potato dinner for my dear husband. Usually he is already here and I walk into a chaos of tears from the young ones wanting to know if I brought them something from town. With the help of my microwave and my nu wave oven I had two rib eye steaks and two potatoes cooked within 5 minutes of his walking through the door. Granted the corn came from a can but it still hit the spot for a guy who spends the days working on our house or one of the adult children's home, or some one elses car. He rarely complains but he hardly ever gets a home cooked dinner on my work days. Today I discovered that one of my retirement accounts needs to be rolled over or cashed out because the company where it was from sold us to a new company. So this is a big decision to be made. In the past I have just taken the money and pretty much blown it. This time I would like to do...
Showing posts from October, 2017
Chicken day!! 2Birthday cakes and almost three cleaned cupboards! What next?!?!?
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Good Morning! Today is a busy day for us here at the nest! First off the day started at 0500 with unlocking the front door for the youngest grandchild to arrive for her last babysitting day this week. Could have made coffee at that point or started the dishes or made the chocolate syrup that we were out of... nope I crawled back in bed only to have the cat Missy Mistletoe jump up to say fill my food dish please! I ignored her as this the first Saturday morning that I have not rushed off to work to pass meds in a long time! That lasted almost an hour, no the cat wasn't particularly happy about it neither was the 5yo who wanted chocolate milk but it is what it is :) Our schedule today includes, finishing the dishes that haunt me, going to the grocery store for just a few things, going to my grandson's birthday party, picking up the baby for the first of her 3 days of babysitting and picking up 40 pounds of chicken breasts from the Zaycon delivery point and working that same t...
Redecorating gone bad, crazy schedules, Wooly bears and you brought home 80 pounds of what?
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Welcome October and the season of Fall. Today the girls were up at the crack of dawn. Surprisingly, I am not as tired as I think I should be! It isn't even 0800 and the girls are out on the trampoline having a morning bounce session. They have missed their trampoline over the last three weeks. It isn't that the trampoline has been moved or anything like that. It is a home improvement job that has kept the kids away from home and over at "auntie's" house where dad has taken on helping with a bathroom redecorating gone bad. It started out as a project to change out the sink in my daughter's house and repaint the walls...maybe add a medicine cabinet. Once they started they began to discover that underneath the tile on the floor under the current sink there were many hidden layers of tile, chipboard and mold. The more they moved stuff the worse the situation became until the whole room was gutted and the cleaning began. Now they are in the rebuild stage and...
Overwhelmed... liars, victims, INS and who do I believe...
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This has been an exceptionally weird week. It started off okay, not too bad I did have to write up a co-worker but that didn't go too bad. Then there were so many employees that needed the same day off that it seemed I may not be able to get it covered without over time. That of course, is frowned upon. Everyone had very good reasons to need the time off. Car conflicts, jail time, family issues like "hey we have a green card appointment!". The last event caused the most stress out of everything only because of the discoveries made by the person involved. Not one of us expected the revelations that came of that encounter. Honestly after this week I am ready to throw in the towel and find a new way to make money! It would seem that someone may have been lied to and someone did a significant amount of lying to the other person and to the INS agents. In the end my friend was able to reflect on everything that had happened to her in the last 16 months an...