Chicken day!! 2Birthday cakes and almost three cleaned cupboards! What next?!?!?

Good Morning! Today is a busy day for us here at the nest! First off the day started at 0500 with unlocking the front door for the youngest grandchild to arrive for her last babysitting day this week. Could have made coffee at that point or started the dishes or made the chocolate syrup that we were out of... nope I crawled back in bed only to have the cat Missy Mistletoe jump up to say fill my food dish please! I ignored her as this the first Saturday morning that I have not rushed off to work to pass meds in a long time! That lasted almost an hour, no the cat wasn't particularly happy about it neither was the 5yo who wanted chocolate milk but it is what it is :)

Our schedule today includes, finishing the dishes that haunt me, going to the grocery store for just a few things, going to my grandson's birthday party, picking up the baby for the first of her 3 days of babysitting and picking up 40 pounds of chicken breasts from the Zaycon delivery point and working that same truck for a cool $10 credit on my next meat order!

If you haven't tried Zaycon meats you have no idea what you are missing!  Here is a referral link if you want to give it a whirl.           Just copy this link into your browser and take a peek at what they have to offer this week!   If you can't store that much meat at one time you can always find a friend to split it with.  It may seem like a lot to buy at one time but the freshness is incredible and the size of the chicken breasts is amazing. One will make a meal for my family. Of course it all depends on how much your family needs at one setting.

If you make a purchase I will receive a $5 credit and you can do the same. They have a great referral program, but even if you don't share your find, the prices and quality are still outstanding! You win either way.
Well enough about that!  Tonight we are having some crock pot chili after the birthday party. The chocolate syrup has been made this morning and the first load of laundry is in the washer and the kids are out on the trampoline again and it is only 0816 in the morning :( going to be a busy day...

Today also includes cleaning out a kitchen cupboard.  Folks this is one of my weaknesses.  I like old things, I don't necessarily use them but I do like them.  Old dishes, coffee cups, press cut glassware. To remove clutter is the hardest task I will ever undertake. But it must be done. I will get back to you at the end of the day and let you know how it went.

I felt the need to give a mid-morning update.  So between three little girls who are all cranky and tired I have managed to empty two shelves in one cupboard and one very large drawer. The drawer contained a mixture of plastic pieces some with complete bowl and lid, some just lids and lots of recycled lids to ice cream buckets, sour cream containers and such.  Now somewhere on the Internet there are probably directions for some craft use for all of these . However between all the tears and bottoms to wipe after bathroom activities and all the interruptions I have decided these are best not left in my house.

This really isn't the hard part for me it is getting rid of sentimental and really old stuff that is hard :(  Even stuff that is meaningless to someone else.  I digress, so the total amount of cupboards cleaned ended up being just the areas cleaned before we left for the birthday party.
 This first cupcake bouquet was for my daughter's friend. It was a surprise for her.

 This is a closer view
This same daughter made this pull apart cupcake version for my grandson's birthday he wanted a forest cake.  She was even able to find a little truck that had a U.S.Forest service emblem on it.
Both parties were for the same day and the same time so the mom of the young man had to add the "Happy" part lol!
It actually did have the rest of the popular saying and his name before it was served but that was the last picture I snapped. While all this fun was happening my DH was off to help unload a Zaycon fresh delivery and earn our family a $10 credit! (I know I am talking about it again!) He also picked up our 40 pounds of chicken that we shared with our two adult daughters.

It is up to us girls to package the chicken for future meals.  Time to get busy!

Where do you buy most of your meats? Do you grow your own?  Do you have a favorite butcher?  Leave a comment and share how you save on meats!


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