Unpacking and still packing...

 My friends came and stayed with me last week for a day as they prepared to go out of town for a bit. We have been in the new house almost two weeks. I still have things to move from the little house in town and time is running short. Also my son and his better half are going back to Michigan in the morning as they have a home there and many things that require their attention.

There is a ton of unpacking to do at the new house and just as much to do at the little house. Moving is such fun... NOT! Luckily the adult kids have pitched in quite a bit. That really makes a difference! Most of the heavy lifting has been done by them. The piano was the worst of the things they had to move.

The entertainment hutch from the lower level at the little house went into the master bedroom at the new house... couldn't see anyone trying to take that beast down 27 steps to the basement here. The guest room is doing triple duty as a sewing room and schoolroom area on top of being a guest room. 

Add in to all of the packing that is occurring the need to start lessons with the kiddos or put them into public school and you have a recipe for chaos! We do chaos on a regular basis here. Tomorrow the plan is to take the car hauler back to the little house and load up the last of the awkward stuff. Some of it is heavy but nothing is as heavy as what has been moved already.

Above is a little fish in my pond
Below is a sunset before the recent fires

Here are the four pups in the basement of the new house... scheming no doubt

Well time to close and get the DGD home. She spent her first overnight in Gramma's scary new house! And she made it through the night!


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